Indonesia holds investment week in Singapore
The government is holding an event to attract foreign investors called “Indonesia Investment Week Singapore Chapter 2017,” which started on Monday and will end on Wednesday.
It is the first Indonesian Investment Week organized outside Indonesia.
The event at Marina Bay Sands will feature various activities, including an exhibition, a business forum and one-on-one meetings with businesspeople, said Zaidin A. Zaiti, the president director of PT Eksibit Internasional, which organized the event, as reported by tempo.co.
“The event is expected to welcome more than 5,000 international business people in Singapore,” Zaidin said on Tuesday, adding that it was expected to speed up infrastructure development in Indonesia.
Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore Ngurah Swajaya said the two countries would soon commemorate their 50th year of diplomatic relations and the Indonesian Embassy would organize various events to mark the occasion.
“The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore welcomes Indonesia Investment Week with the hope that it will be integrated into events to commemorate the 50th anniversary,” Ngurah said.
Ngurah said the event was supported by a number of institutions including the National Economy and Industrial Commission, the Trade Ministry’s Export Development Directorate General, the Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Ministry, the Investment Coordinating Board, Agriculture Ministry and Industry Ministry. (bbn)
Sumber: new.detik.com